How can I use it?

Visual IVR is being well received by consumers and we’re seeing varied and exciting ways it’s being used. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking about Visual IVR in your industry.

Product Activations

See how companies are using Visual IVR to simplify the activation or registration process for products, software, and warranties. Visual IVR makes activation easy by giving customers a visual and simple activation sequence that is instantly transmitted to the contact center back-end without the need of customer service agent involvement, thus enhancing the customer experience and increasing customer satisfaction. This also results in lower contact center call volume and increased customer satisfaction from a better experience. View the webinar on this use case and see how a Fortune 50 company is benefiting from its use today.


Visual IVR addresses efficiency, regulatory compliance, and an increased positive customer response. A visual IVR can offer a more personalized collection process, provide improved right-party contacts, and less customer frustration.

Cart Abandonment

Visual IVR can reduce the rate of cart abandonment and help close the sale with personalized and contextual live assistance with one click.

Learn more here...

Incident Management

High urgency calls such as reporting power outages and gas leak detection, even trivial ones like incorrect meter readings, may trigger a surge in inbound call volume. See how Visual IVR can help you address this.

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